The Intelligent Plasma Hypothesis

Join us as Dr. Massimo Teodorani explores the scientific investigation of UAP in a new wide-ranging 8 week online course which focuses mainly on the astronomical and astrophysical aspects of the subject and will include an exploration of plasma life forms.

Full Syllabus and sign-up information through the Society For UAP Studies.

March-April 2024 Tuesdays 10 am – 1 pm PST | 1- 4 pm EST

Excerpt from Dr Teodorani’s speculative book: The Hyperspace of Consciousness

“Let’s now speak about what being apparently a natural phenomenon shows very anomalous characteristics. As it will be discussed later, such anomaly might be related to the BLH hypothesis. Minerals contained in some rocky areas and mountains, especially near fault lines are sometimes able to indirectly produce “luminous plasma balls” of long duration at low height. This can be due to piezoelectric effects when rocks are under stress (especially if of seismic nature) or due to effects similar to a natural battery: both geophysical phenomena have also been simulated in a laboratory. The main physical causes producing anomalous light phenomena are today sufficiently well understood, but what we still do not know are the physical reasons why such light phenomena – often characterized by several colors and able to pulsate – show a long duration, i.e. which physics governs the plasma confinement mechanism. Another mystery is constituted by the fact that sometimes light balls are able to acquire a geometric shape. Several studies have been conducted by some researchers, including this author, in which it has been possible to build up a quite clear empirical and observational picture. Of course several physics theories have been proposed to try to explain the mechanism of long-lasting plasma confinement, but none of them resulted to be satisfactory so far. Before presenting a new hypothesis that seems to be quite a lot related with much of what has been discussed so far, we must make extensively two important premises: 1) the particles composing a plasma, which sometimes behaves as a quantum coherent medium, might resemble the behavior of the microtubules in the brain; 2) the behavior of plasma under particular conditions seems to simulate the human DNA. Let’s now discuss them.

Many years ago David Bohm’s first theoretical physics studies dealt with plasma. He discovered that plasma may behave as a highly cooperative structure, like if particles (ions and electrons) that are even very far away from each other are able to “feel” instantaneously what happens to one of them. This gives to plasma – at least qualitatively – a structure of coherence that is not dissimilar to the coherence found in quantum objects. Therefore the many particles composing plasma behave like if they were only one entity and not separated from each other, in such a way that any action done on a group of particles is just “felt” by another group of particles composing the same plasma agglomerate. At this point it is not so difficult, at least qualitatively, to find a strict similarity between plasma particles and the microtubules inside brain’s neurons. The previously amply discussed “OrchOr” Penrose-Hameroff theory about the brain states that microtubules and tubulins therein act like only one entity described by the same wave function. When – according to Penrose’s physics model – the wave function spontaneously collapses a moment of consciousness is generated, in such a way that an average human being is able to experience at least one million moments of consciousness daily. We have said that what we consider as consciousness can be strictly related to the idea that we have of “spirit”, in the ambit of a model (following also Bohm’s concepts about implicate and explicate orders) in which consciousness/spirit and its neural correlate (the brain) are strictly linked together in a way that the one cannot exist without the other.

Let’s now come to plasma. Can be the elementary particles constituting a plasma compared to microtubules in order that such particles, by composing a cooperative entity described by only one wave function, when working in unison all together can give rise to the emergence of consciousness? We are simply hypothesizing that some plasma balls might work at certain circumstances as a brain capable to produce moments of consciousness. But being a brain implies being a form of Life. Is it possible that a life form made of plasma exists? It seems so, according to some studies simulating its behavior.

Numerical simulations showed that when a plasma comes in contact with a cloud of fine dust grains, they immediately acquire an electric charge sucking electrons from the plasma surrounding them up to form a core of electrons which in turn attract the positively charged ions of the plasma itself, thus giving rise to those which have been called “plasma crystals”. Driven by electrostatic forces, dust grains are full twisting in helical structures, while the plasma becomes polarized. Plasma crystals acquire shapes that rapidly evolve into a double helix identical to that which characterizes the DNA, and which shows a self-organizing exceptional ability. This shape is replicated in other plasma crystals as if these forms could reproduce by sending a “genetic code” in everything surrounding them. The simulation shows that these helixes have two stable configurations represented by a small and a large spiral, while each helix contains various sequences of these two states. Researchers believe that such dynamic feature allows these structures to store information: the helix appears as a kind of informative code, which eventually leads to replicate through any structural transformation from a generation to another, and to give shape to increasingly complex and stable structures, a code at all comparable to the genetic information holding together the organic matter and with the characteristic of reproducing exactly as a living cell. In other words, it does seem that such structures made of dust and plasma is real living beings able to reproduce and evolve. If this is the case it is possible that a form of “plasma life” exists everywhere in the universe, from the interstellar space to our atmosphere. Transient light phenomena, whose plasma nature has been demonstrated in the course of instrumented observational research carried out in Hessdalen, Norway and in other similar places in the world, seem to trace quite closely the behavior of plasmas and dust recorded through numerical simulations, in form of balls of light that tend to divide, join, multiply, follow a spiral motion, resembling the behavior of a living cell. These balls of light contain substantially the same ingredients as simulated plasma crystals: plasma and the atmospheric dust in aerosol form, with water vapor as a possible catalyst generating thermo-electro-chemical processes able to confine these plasma spheres. Such anomalous light phenomena have a tendency to multiply and evolve, and do so on time scales of the order of minutes or even seconds. We want to test the hypothesis that such phenomena may acquire some level of elementary intelligence, which would be manifested through regular and/or semi-regular light pulsation. All this can be accurately measured using high-speed photometry by acquiring 10.000 frames per second and then analyzed using time-series analysis.

In few words, from what has been extensively discussed above, it might be possible to hypothesize that if really plasmas too are able to become in certain conditions real Life forms, then a part of them might evolve towards forms of intelligence that is more or less sophisticated. The consequences of such an hypothesis would be really disruptive, because then for any life form (even intelligent) based on plasma a planetary atmosphere would be an almost irrelevant prerequisite to make them live, as there should be no need of a “habitability zone” for as we have conceived it until now in the ambit of canonical projects such as, in particular, the SETI Project. According to this scenario Life forms based on plasma might truly live everywhere in the Universe. If this were effectively the case all the planets of the solar system – even those with the most poisonous atmospheres – might indifferently harbor life forms of this kind. As it happens on the Earth the trigger – we could denominate it as a “midwife” – for the birth of such plasma forms starts from natural mechanisms due to the geophysical conditions of the soil or underground, to atmospheric mechanisms or to both. Due to different causes, the interstellar space is everywhere full of plasma, at various temperatures, and this might furnish the incubator for the birth and the development of Life forms that might be also characterized by intelligence, without any constraint with the biological conditions of livability as we have understood it so far. It is even obvious that if intelligence were able to develop inside such hypothetical plasma structures, then some form of science and technology might spring from it, in a form that is totally different from how we, sentient biochemical beings based on carbon chemistry, are able to understand it. In fact intelligence, by its nature, is lead to build up organized, coherent and ordered structures. Moreover, according to this hypothesis, we cannot exclude at all that such intelligences may be able to organize in form of true neural networks for the exchange of information, which might occur also using the mechanism of quantum entanglement, which would permit the reception and the transmission of data that are not constrained by space and time.

Let’s now go back to the hypothesis that all plasma particles (or many of them) constituting such light balls are entangled together inside a quantum coherent structure similar to a human brain. In the brain a spontaneous collapse of the wave function describing the orchestrated complex of microtubules generates a moment of consciousness. Does this happen in plasma balls too? Before venturing an answer to this question let’s take into account what happens to such light balls when they are stimulated by some input of energy. Previous experiments carried out in Hessdalen and other places of the world too where the same kind of phenomenon is recurrent showed that aiming a Laser beam and/or a powerful flashlight at such luminous plasmoids triggers almost always a reaction from them. In some cases the plasma ball starts to pulsate or to change its pulsation rate every time in which the beam is directed towards them. This intriguing phenomenology didn’t occur seldom, but rather many times and it has been fully documented both by professional scientists and engineers and through many witness reports of normal persons. Of course, before thinking of some “intelligence” within the plasma we have to rule out the possibility that what happens is a kind of photon-photon interaction that we still do not know in physics. But we would be also tempted to suspect that the Laser and/or flashlight beam is able to make the wave function of plasma particles collapse, so that a consciousness moment is suddenly produced. Before that collapse, as in every quantum system, all the entangled plasma particles are in a condition of quantum superposition waiting to be awakened. It might happen that in the case of plasma balls they can become “conscious” only when they are stimulated by an external trigger. Laser and flashlight might not be the only working external triggers. Such triggers might come out spontaneously also from the natural electromagnetic field, magnetic anomalies or other geophysical and/or artificial causes.

In any fact it should be extremely interesting to verify how an electromagnetic trigger (not only in the optical range, but also in the microwave and VLF/ELF one) can be optimized by changing amplitude, frequency and even pulsation rate of the emitted beam, in order that a reaction from such light balls occurs. The detected phenomenon might be multiform in its reactions: possible “answers” from these plasmoids might change according to the way in which we tune the triggering beam of radiation. The feedback we expect to detect from light balls deals with changes of pulsation rate (and even rotation rate, deduced from Doppler Effect in optical spectra), color, dimension, shape or even with multiplication effects.

We cannot even exclude that light balls may contain inside a “message” ready to be awakened, previously coded within a program directed by a bigger quantum control coming just from the Big Library, in the same way in which some persons are connected non-locally with this kind of cosmic information. If the plasma constituting such luminous phenomena works substantially like a brain and if the BLH hypothesis is true, none can prevent us from suspecting that exactly the same mechanism occurring with living biological beings may be going on. We can even hypothesize that such light balls might be used as “sensors” to capture messages coming from … the infinite. In the same way in which, according to the NLSETI procedures, we are going to search for structured signals inside the noise of the human brainwave, in the specific case of such anomalous plasma phenomena we might analyze all the possible physical parameters (light intensity, color, frequency, dimensions, and pulsation rate, mainly) that we can measure using our scientific instruments in order to search for the same kind of signals.

Something very interesting might be found inside the data. We might also discover that after beaming a Laser beam at these lights the first time they might then start to take their own life in the sense that a new process, similar to the spontaneous wave function collapse in the brain microtubules, might keep them alive and maybe even conscious just like a new kind of Life form. This can be verified by carrying out observational measurements. Moreover, it is not so illogical to suggest that if such plasma balls are also able to increase in dimensions (this is often reported from pertinent casuistry) generating the effect of increasing the number of active particles, it might happen that, exactly like in the brain and according to the simple Penrose formula E = h / t , the number of consciousness moments increases as well until a human-like intelligence is reached or even more than that. This is obviously a hypothesis, certainly a bold one, but many factors when they are put all together induce us inevitably to ask certain questions. Does it really happen so? The only way to know this is just to make the appropriate verifications using measurement instruments.”


Devereux, P. (1989). Earthlights Revelation. Blanford Press.

Hameroff, S. (website). Quantum Consciousness :

Penrose, R.; Hameroff, S.; Stapp, H. P.; Chopra, D. (2011). Consciousness and the Universe. Cosmology Science Publishers.

Tsytovich, V.N.; Morfill, G. E.; Fortov, V. E.; Gusein-Zade, N. G.; Klumov. B. A. & Vladimirov, S. V. (2007). “From plasma crystals and helical structures towards inorganic living matter”. New Journal of Physics, 9, p. 263 /

Teodorani, M. (2015). The Hyperspace of Consciousness. Elementa (Sweden) / Buzzword Books (Australia):