Hunting Alien Techno-Signatures

Astrophysicist Massimo Teodorani discusses his decades of research into unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) and luminous events with a scientific perspective. He details Project Hessdalen, an observatory studying the famous Hessdalen lights in Norway, including the instrumentation and methods used. Massimo also shares insights into searching for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) and techno-signatures in space that could indicate alien civilizations.

Lively UAP discussion with Chris Lehto former F-16 pilot and fellow UAP researcher.

Massimo will be teaching an English language course on UFO/UAP this Spring 2024 for the Society of UAP Studies. Its open to the general public and curious minded people are encouraged to join in. Click on the link for further information. Thank you for sharing and your support. The more people we can get studying, talking and pondering these mysteries the better! Course information here.Â